After pushing through some pretty heavy stuff with family issues, health issues and plain old run-of-the-mill sort of issues last week I didn't really indulge in a lot of reading or new films or music. In fact I'm not sure what I did last week at all!
Oh, yeah, I'm working on finding the original shape of Tamara hidden in here somewhere which means a whole bunch of energy spent embracing stuff I've ignored far too long: finding healthy menus, re-learning the food pyramid, discovering how good it feels to engage in strength training and cardio activity. So far there's not much to write about, but I'm pressing on and will keep you posted
A couple of links I loved last week:
these are a few of my favorite things - My Front Porch
I admit it. This is my sister and I'm slightly biased to several items on her list. OK, you got me again. I'm pretty much biased to everything on her list. But I think you'll enjoy her list, too. At the very least, you'll enjoy her simple, creative post concept. (Don't you just LOVE those beautiful boys?!?)
'Twelve Head' by James Jean - The Wanderings of a Theological Vagabond
I just like to look at this. I thought you would too
Our 1 Year Anniversary Today - Diary of an Arts Pastor
Happy Anniversary to a couple I deeply admire. I can't wait to see what God is going to do for you in Year 2!! The wedding pictures are oh so fun. Not only that, but how could I pass up a post that begins with a Garrison Keillor quote about sex?
'Twelve Head' by James Jean - The Wanderings of a Theological Vagabond
I just like to look at this. I thought you would too
Our 1 Year Anniversary Today - Diary of an Arts Pastor
Happy Anniversary to a couple I deeply admire. I can't wait to see what God is going to do for you in Year 2!! The wedding pictures are oh so fun. Not only that, but how could I pass up a post that begins with a Garrison Keillor quote about sex?

And this album is totally worth the 200 nickels I fed into the iTunes machine. I mean with cover art from a sixteenth-century artist you got half my admiration right there. But when the music is lyrically and melodically imaginative and the harmonies are rich and unpredictable well that's when I'm all in.
I was following the pack
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from fallin' in the snow
-from White Winter Hymnal, Fleet Foxes