Friday, September 07, 2012

7 Quick Takes: my response to prayer at the DNC! NY friends visit Austin! my new job and more!

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Flying through these today.  I started a new job this week -- 20 hours -- and still trying to figure out how to fit in writing time and blogging time.  I'll still maintain my secret life as a rabbit with some good stories to share again, I'm quite certain.

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Speaking of writing time, Think Christian graciously welcomed my written response to Jena Lee Nardella's benediction at the DNC this week.  There wasn't space enough to tell all the horror I felt reading through facebook comments people left on various pages linking the CSPAN clip.  I seriously thought U.S. Christians had moved on from the erroneous "God Is A Republican" stage.  I was wrong.  Don't bother finding those comments; just listen to Ms. Nardella's prayer and add your Amen.

Benedictions and Political Conventions:  my article at Think Christian

Jena Lee Nardella's benediction closing out Tuesday at the DNC

--- 3 ---
Speaking of blogging time, I haven't yet been able to post this week's edition of Parenting Unrehearsed.  I hope maybe to find some time tomorrow to put down all my thoughts on the subject "It Does Take A Village!"  Stay tuned....

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Speaking of time, ours was full this week spending time parenting and hanging out with our Village of friends.    Our friends from New York spent five happy days with us here in Austin.  We eked out every possible moment catching up on each other's adventures (our move to Austin, their pending move across the globe), got to know each other's kids again, took in a bit of Austin together, ate mucho Tex-Mex, and laughed so hard my stomach hurt.  

All northeast guests take a pilgramage to Chuys!
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On Monday morning we hosted a Pancake Breakfast Open House for our good friends in Austin to meet our good NY friends and to hear their heart for mission.  FIFTY people squeezed into our house.  That's a lot of pancakes y'all.  Brian and I loved every.single.minute.

We were too busy flipping hotcakes and hanging out with friends to get photos, but here's one: 

Christ Church friends pray a blessing over the Shields family.

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Austin-y adventures:
Big Top Candy Shop!
Austin's bat colony totally let us down!  We waited on that bridge, in these exact same spots for an hour .  The bats circled below but never flew out for the night.  Too hot?  Too windy?  Anyone know?

--- 7 ---
One year ago, I said good-bye to my dear New York friend.
It looked like this:

On Tuesday morning, we looked a bit more practiced at the saying good-bye stuff.  In reality, I just waited to cry until everyone left.

  I don't think saying good-bye is supposed to be easy; do you?

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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