Last week 4 Murphys flew to New York for 5 days of hugging, squeezing, laughing, feasting, celebrating, and visiting. On Sunday we worshiped at 3 different churches. On Saturday we cried at one gorgeous wedding.
Here's 7 quick takes, photo-diary style....
couldn't squeeze this kid enough in the few hours we were together |
loved watching Lincoln's swim lesson! |
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haven't met her yet, but loving my new niece all the same! |
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Snow (?)
Snow (?)
they really were this excited to see the remnants of the Northeast's Christmas snow |
Sunday church with my parents and grandparents
Proof that I come by my white hairs honestly. (It's the rest of my head that's telling a fib.) |
On Sunday, the girls visited friends and family at two other churches in town while Brian and I accompanied my parents. In a serendipitous twist, we were able to attend on a week my Dad was preaching. It's been too long since I sat in the same pew as my Mom and grandparents, listening to one of my Dad's sermons.
Afterwards we toured his newly remodeled office (since a flood devastated the entire first floor in the fall of 2011). How delightful to see the new home of a family treasure -- the stained glass piece one an artist made for the man (my Dad) who introduced him to Christ back in the 70's.
My grandfather -- recovering from a multi-day hospital stay just before Christmas -- joked that he was ready for counselling as he sunk into the chair. Just after this photo was taken, as he stood up, I asked "Grandpa, if YOU were the one doing the counselling what would be your best words of advice?"
He looked at me for a minute -- liquid blue eyes staring at the ceiling for just the right answer, jaw slack in thought. Grandma repeated the question just in case he hadn't understood. "What advice would you give if you were the counselor?"
"I would say, 'See my son.' "
And then he laughed at his own joke.
No worries, Grandma. He understood just fine.
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We only spent a few hours at the Philly Hills, but we still managed a sugary D & D run. |
Our last meal in the Northeast. We surprised Griffin at school and his mama let him play hooky for lunch. He's a tiny bit excited. |
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Practicing winkin' with Lincoln on the way back to the airport. |
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Grandma's ESL class
Only a few years ago, these Civic Association classrooms gave witness to a horrid school shooting. The redemption of mourning to laughter demonstrated in these photos catches my breath in wonder. And gratefulness for all who do good work here each day.Grandma's ESL class
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Natalie surprised her grandmother by volunteering to help teach Mom's adult ed-ESL class on Friday morning. I loved watching them brainstorm what Natalie could teach. In the end, they decided that Natalie should tell her beloved camp stories. The students were intrigued that Natalie would not only volunteer to be a camp leader, but that people would help Natalie raise funds to PAY for the privilege.
It wouldn't have been a good camp talk without teaching a camp song. Have I mentioned my girl is fearless. She jumped right in teaching those non-English speaking adults her favorite song about the moose who spilled the juice. As you can see, they were good sports.
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....and a Wedding
A beauty and grace-filled weekend for us all, dear ones.
....and a Wedding
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, one of those glamorous women is my daughter. (and one's my sister-in-law!) |
A beauty and grace-filled weekend for us all, dear ones.