alright, I underestimated the amount of time I'd have this first day of school to blog -- what with the cookies to bake for the kids' homecoming (i'm not lying...i really do make cookies at least once a year!) and the quiet house to enjoy and the DESPERATELY NEEDED time with God to spend -- ummm...don't be mad, but I still don't have much to say.
Here's what I do have...
a collage of photos to celebrate the 'denoument' (don't even know if I'm using that word in the correct grammatic form -- ask Dan Allendar) of summer:

lots and lots and lots (did I say 'lots'?) of flood clean up...

a little bit of hiking (here we're at Buttermilk Falls)

a gorgeous and relaxing beach vacation in Delaware...

time with family around the campfire...
a new recipe that is delicious (have you ever had yellow tomatoes?
neither had I!)

...tea parties and slumber parties...


hours and hours and hours (did I say hours?) of vocal recording...

...and saying goodbye to good friends...

...and now back to school (our first year with a highschooler...yikes!)
So, dear blogging friends, it's been a long, full and -- at times -- somewhat cruel summer (think Banarama!) I am so ready for Fall and I'll be back soon.