Since March 1, I...
- began a new job
- gave a talk, Becoming Secure in the Father's Love, at one of Union Center's small groups
- guest lectured three times at Davis Colleges' creative arts seminar
- attended my mother's retirement open house, a friends' birthday party and a spa facial with my 11-year old Natalie
- planned a mid-Lent prayer service for our Good Friday volunteers and church family
- learned about the Jewish Passover tradition Searching for Chometz from a messianic rabbi
- watched my oldest son's enchanting performance of a cowboy in Oklahoma!
- met the goal I set on January 13 to lose 15 pounds by Easter
- competed for points per time spent exercising each week with Team Buttzilla!
- felt very old
- co-wrote a dramatic sketch for Easter morning with my 17-year-old son
- turned 38 years old with a beautiful birthday evening with friends
- got the flu
- got over the flu
- celebrated my daughter's entrance to the teen years (Kendra is 13!)
- watched - with disbelief - the news all day one evil Friday in Binghamton
- re-planned our Palm Sunday services to become a prayer service for the families of the 14 dead
- grieved with my city at a community-wide prayer vigil
- wrote a 37-page presentation on Worship & the Arts at Union Center
- delivered said presentation like a stammering school girl
- coordinated Union Center's Good Friday events: Road to the Cross and Tenebrae
- helped to coordinate Union Center's Easter morning celebrations
- kept Lent with a Wednesday/Friday meat fast and a 40-day facebook and blog-reading fast
- celebrated Easter with my family
- took a nap a day since Sunday
I'm spent.
(but it's all good)
*picture at top: a really cool random art thing done with flourescent post-it notes by a rogue arts group in some unidentified city. for six weeks my life has been ruled by those two tyrannical words...