stitch fix

When my Mom visited in April she mentioned I might like this personal shopping service. I signed up then and there, have already received my first shipment and can hardly wait for the second. I did not take the time to take pretty pictures of the shipment or the pretty clothes inside. For other bloggers' great photos click here, here or here.
I told my kind-but-quizzical husband "It's like Netflix for clothes!" Well, it is. Sort of.
And while I'm a bargain basement shopper (read: "Good Will") for most of my clothes I like the idea of supplementing my wardrobe a piece or two at a time with quality, curated items.
[While I don't receive any compensation for this blog review the post does include a referral link that gives me credit if you sign up and schedule your own style fix!]
body pump
Add this to the long list of things about my life that surprise me. I'm not only taking a group exercise class (yay for the YMCA!) but it involves lifting stuff, a lot of times in a row.
And I love it. I'm trying to go twice a week on my lunch break from work. It's a long lunch break and I hope my employers will continue to be gracious.
Read what my friend (and inspiration) Katie had to say about her own surprise relationship with Body Pump.
I'm participating in group exercise.
With the word "holy" in the title of the class.
On a yoga mat.
In Austin, Texas.
Wonders never cease.
And I'm so grateful for the generous hospitality our instructor Sara provides. I am a total beginner and haven't stretched this much since high school cheerleading days. I never realized how good it would feel to incorporate breathing and balance with strength. My body is soaking it up after too many years of neglect.
I also underestimated the power of physical movement to provide physical rest and quiet. The final moments of each class are reserved for us to do nothing but lay still, breathe, pray, rest. Healthy for mind, body and soul.
A couple of months ago I joined 21st century and purchased an iPhone. Around the same time I stumbled on this photo app and wish I'd had a smart phone and GrooveBook app for the 22 1/2 years I've been a parent.
In short: you can download the app for free and then get your phone photos made into a photo album each month for $2.99. (That includes shipping!) Really, it's that easy.
If you're interested in trying it out, feel free to use my coupon code to get your first GrooveBook free: MURPHY1287
The photos are not the best quality I've ever printed (the photo paper is a bit thin) but what with the price, the simplicity of uploading from my phone it's a worthy trade off for me. Did I mention the photos are perforated so you can take it out of the booklet and use however you'd like? Also, you can choose to have the book sent to someone else or order more copies (at the same price) for friends and family.
Really, it's a no brainer.
West Austin Studio Tour
West Austin Studio Tour
I've never been able to attend one of the annual East Austin Studio Tours and barely noticed that the part of Austin west of I-35 had their own event (this is the 3rd year) UNTIL, well it's a kind of long story. But it involves a power outage in my neighborhood last Friday night in which everyone stood around in the street outside my neighbor's house, sharing beers and gossip. And that's where I met Scotty Stevenson whose backyard meets our backyard at a chain link fence. And that's when I found out Scotty is an artist and that he was #39 on the West Austin Studio tour. When I walked over Sunday afternoon I found 2 other locations in the tour on my very same street: Chris Chappell and Yost Custom Wood.
Y'all. This is one talented city block.
You live in Austin? There's still time to check out what artists in your neighborhood are hosting open houses during the West Austin Studio Tour.
A good find week for us all, dear ones.
For more Five Favorites, visit Moxie Wife!!