Tamara rests, renews, reconnects at retreat for Ministers to Artists at the great Laity Lodge on the banks of the Frio River, Texas
(thanks to David Taylor and other friends for sharing the photos...)
Kendra & Natalie mingle, meditate and mudslide at Elevate's
closing retreat at the ever-enjoyable El Rancho De Paz, Owego, NY
closing retreat at the ever-enjoyable El Rancho De Paz, Owego, NY
(thanks to Tony Allen for the pictures)
Andrew drums his heart out all weekend, but I don't have any pictures of the Where's Ulysses gig in Cortland or Sunday's worship service....these will have to do
(thanks to Hope Spicer for the pictures)
Brian spent Memorial Day in his favorite of all past-times -- blissfully boating Cayuga Lake
(thanks to Neil Allen & Andrew Shipman for the pictures)
Alex wined and dined through his junior prom with his
page program friends in Washington, D.C.

We're headed out first thing tomorrow morning to bring our boy back home. It's been a life-changing five months for him, but we're ready to have him back. The girls made a paper chain and there's one loop left. It's time.