I was supposed to have a simple out-patient procedure Friday that got postponed at the last minute. Upside? A whole unplanned weekend. So far reading and napping have been top priorities. Hoping to squeeze in some writing too.
When it appeared to us that part of the reason for the postponement had to do with the anasthesiologist wanting to move the procedure to the hospital instead of the doctor's office because of -- ahem -- my weight, my daughters tried to console a very distraught mama.
"It's not as if I'm the fattest person in the world!" I wailed.
"No, that guy's got his own reality show." Natalie comforted.
Oddly I felt much better after the ensuing hilarious laughter.
Last week overflowed with good things -- intense but good. We were ready for down time.
Check out the beautiful work my friends Krista and Blake created for a recent party we co-hosted. See that chandelier? It's ours. The one I talked about here. We hadn't hung it yet since we moved to Texas so I'm thankful to Brian for hanging it just in time to be-deck with children's book page banners!
Close up
Blake makes banners
This beauty? Blake also makes book page wreaths. And look how perfectly it goes on our fireplace! I don't want to guess how long it took to roll and glue all those pages, but I'm sure impressed with the final product!
I won't keep bragging on these two for all 7 takes...last thing I promise. Mostly I needed to add this one because I know when my mom sees the idea she's going to flip. See that cute little card sticking up out of the scones?
close up
Krista made these for each of the items on the buffet. She told me she got quotes from Goodreads that matched up in some way with the ingredients in the food. Then -- the most genius part -- she used this handy, dandy FREE library card generator and printed them out on card stock.
One more photo
Sharing a few links for your weekend browsing:
Repurposed Mini-Valentines + Free Printables: Speaking of my mom, here's her latest Dollar Store Diva post at Cha-Ching on a Shoestring. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, y'all!
Favor: Growing Deeper in Our Church Communities: Download a free e-book at Slow Church. Brian and I have been praying together on the topic of shepherding God's people toward rest in the context of community. We're looking forward to reading this book, Growing Deeper In Our Church Communities: 50 Ideas for Connection in a Disconnected Age by C. Christopher Smith.
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And speaking of Valentine's Day, have you watched this romantic, fanciful short film yet? It's kind of sweet....
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One more reason why Sesame Street will live forever: on the cutting edge of spoof sketches....
A beauty, joke-filled & right-side-up weekend for us all, dear ones.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!