Sunday, March 27, 2016

Practice Resurrection: Celebrate!

Harriet Tubman series (Panel #4)
Jacob Lawrence

So, says Jesus, it's time to celebrate! It's happening! Not perhaps, in the way you thought it would, not yet on a national scale, but it's happening all right.... Resurrection, the ultimate hope of new life for Israel, is happening under your noses, and you can't see it. But for those of us who can -- well, we're having a party, the same party that the angels are having in heaven... This, it seems, is part at least of what it means that God's kingdom is coming "on earth as in heaven." The heavenly celebrations at the signs of renewal, the first flickers of a dawn that will soon flood the whole sky, are to be matched by the motley mob around Jesus here and there, in Matthew's house and Zacchaeus' house, in this tavern and that, with Mary Magdalene and her friends and anyone else who cares to join in. This is what it looks like when God's in charge. This is how the campaign gets under way. 
N.T. Wright , Simply Jesus  
via Topology magazine

How do you plan to celebrate the fact that "resurrection is happening under our noses" today?

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