Last week I forgot to mention here my latest article published at Think Christian: Why Having Kids Shouldn't Make You Happy. Six hundred words were not nearly enough to address the subject; hopefully, I made a little bit a thought-provoking dent in the conversation.
Speaking of words on parenting, I'm taking a two-week hiatus from the Parenting Unrehearsed blog series because of back-to-back speaking commitments. I've made a tab on my home page with all the posts in the series so far.
Want to hear the speaking topics I'm working on for a ministry group in our church?
1. The four forms of abuse that children face (with a focus on sexual abuse)
2. Narcissism and Relational Idolatry
You know, really light stuff....
Other blog links I enjoyed from this week:
A new Wrinkle in Time at Think Christian: Madeleine L'Engle's children's classic is celebrating 50 years by welcoming new media adaptations.
Timeless: A Review of WaterSky - the album by Jeff Johnson and Phil Keaggy at Hieropraxis: Kevin Belmonte writes a thoughtful review of an album I posted in the last Monday Mixtape.
The Life and Times of an Indie Filmmaker at Diary of an Arts Pastor: Two Monday Mixtapes ago I encouraged you to get behind the indie film project Dragon Day. This past week, the ever-inquisitive, always-affirming David Taylor interviews the filmmaker and producer Jeffrey Travis on his work and life as an artist, father, Christian. It's a good interview. I'm especially thankful to David and Jeffrey for giving us insight into ways we can support the work -- and the artist -- through prayer.
Last weekend marked Kendra's debut choir event at McCallum. Her fan club gave her EIGHTEEEN THUMBS UP and assured ourselves she carried the night.
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Kendra's fan club at McCallum's Cabaret (super fan and father is taking the photo) |
Seriously, we're proud of her and nothing makes me smile bigger than watching my kids doing what they love.
A few days later, Natalie swam her first meet for McCallum's swim team. In the pouring rain. Outdoors. In October. Swim meets in November, December, January? Outdoors. #179 on the New York-to-Texas Culture Shock list.
Brian and I enjoyed the gift of a little quiet retreat in Wimberley. I'm not sure what it says about us that while the rest of Austin is crowd-surfing ACL festival venues, we're sitting on a riverbank staring at rain drops land on water. All I know is that we loved every minute.
returning to the cottage (yes, NY friends, that's cactus right there. cacti?) |
Wish I could have taken photos of every single patch of wildflowers we saw this weekend. Who says autumn in Texas isn't pretty?
Enjoy a beauty-filled week!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
p.s., if you've ever considered joining Jen's 7 Quick Takes blog community, this is a good week to start. She's entering each participant in a $50 Amazon gift card giveaway. Deadline's Monday!