No new questions for us this week, but you can still vote on the survey I posted two weeks ago. Click here.
I'm away on vacation thinking deep thoughts.
In the meantime, here's something for us to consider together.
So true.
; )
For those just tuning in, wondering what the word "tribe" has to do with anything:
Checking off my "Learn to Be A Blogger and Writer" checklist, one of the first recommended books I read was Seth Godin's Tribe: We Need You to Lead Us. You couldn't accuse the book of overflowing with practical nuts and bolts for people like me, but Godin deserves all the accolades he's got for being inspirational.
"Human beings can't help it: we need to belong. One of the most powerful of our survival mechanisms is to be part of a tribe, to contribute to (and take from) a group of like-minded people. We are drawn to leaders and to their ideas, and we can't resist the rush of belonging and the thrill of the new." -- Seth Godin, Tribe: We Need You to Lead Us
So that's my ask: Will you be my tribe? I promise I won't hold you to it for life, but maybe for the next few months you could join me in this conversation. To get some clarity for my own nagging dreams, yes, but we might just discover that the combined sheer genius of our discussion will surprise us. We might just discover together the thrill of the new.
*Thank you to the passionate Grant and Deb of GrantandDeb Photographers for the sweet picture of Brian and me I used for this post.*
*Thank you to the passionate Grant and Deb of GrantandDeb Photographers for the sweet picture of Brian and me I used for this post.*