Eve tempted by the serpant. Adam tempted by the woman. Jesus tempted in the wilderness. Us tempted between mundane, trifling days and rushes of exotic fantasy. It's dangerous out there and we're surprised on every side by forbidden fruit and ordinarily-innocent chocolates. We enter the season dumbed to our bent to wander, the power of flesh denied. Even the littlest things denied stir up the devilish whispering within and without.
Somehow this week's mixtape ended up mostly gritty old rockers, wizened to the truth that not every tree is good for food. Not all knowing brings life.
1. Hurt
2. Last to Die
3. O Death
4. Devil Town
5. Curse Your Branches
6. The Maker
7. Longest Days
8. Devil's Arcade
9. Come Thou Fount
10. Thistle & Weeds, Mumford and Sons
the mix
Brother john / Have you seen the homeless daughters / standing therewith broken dreams / I have seen the flaming swords / there over east of edenburning in the eyes of the maker (Daniel Lanois, The Maker)