So I'm still watching my refreshing my gmail every 27 minutes to see if any new photo stories have landed in the inbox for the week's Practice Resurrection photo stories post. This week and next are the final 2 weeks, friends!
Thank you to our wonderful contributors to the weekly Take Up Something New guest posts:
from Diary of an Arts Pastor
Megan Glennon / Glennon Interiors: Repurpose Curb-side Trash to Furniture Treasure
Also, don't miss the week I dared you to dance: 12 crowd-pleasing dance moves I dare you to try
We're knee deep in packing boxes here. Moving in less than a week. Send your photo stories and make my day, won't you?!?
Also, each week during Eastertide I'm collecting your photos of practicing resurrection, taking up something new to celebrate our risen Christ who makes all things new. Share your photo with a caption in 36 words or less at the facebook page for This Sacramental Life. (See our first week here.)