I'd love to include your photo story next week,
scroll to the bottom of this post to see how you can play along!
"... we should be taking steps to celebrate Easter in creative new ways: in art, literature, children's games, poetry, music, dance, festivals, bells, special concerts, anything that comes to mind. this is our greatest festival....This is our greatest day. We should put the flags out.
...if Lent is a time to give things up, Easter ought to be a time to take things up. ...The forty days of the Easter season, until the ascension, ought to be a time to balance out Lent by taking something up, some new task or venture, something wholesome and fruitful and outgoing and self-giving."Want to join me, to practice resurrection for Eastertide? Take something up and share it with us. Maybe a six week dance class? We want you to show us a picture. Planting spring flowers (maybe a new variety this year)? Show us! Taking a new route to work (maybe taking more time than necessary in honor of the mad farmer)? Share it!
seeds are possibly my favorite part of planting. i can't comprehend the power contained in such a tiny ball to sprout a plant, much less grow into a food-producing vegetable! (these are turnips) (Jana Leigh, Bloomington, IN)
This girl is growing up before my very eyes... I took a break from schoolwork tonight, and we walked along the Boise River (Eagle). (Jessie Nilo, Boise)
I'm so excited to have finished Blythe's quilt! My first quilt project, but definitely not my last. Yes to quilts, and pretty fabric, and cozy things, and hand stitching. Yes. (Phaedra Taylor, Durham)
In the beautiful Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral for the Bifrost Arts conference: Brother Emmanuel from Burgundy, France shares the vision of the Taize community to share the love of God with the world irrespective of race or denomination. (Bruce Benedict, Raleigh)
What is a first birthday party without the awaited moment of first cake? He was a champ. If there was a first-birthday cake-eating contest, I'm quite sure this kid would have won it. (Kaley Ehret & Cade William, Telford, PA)
Using my favorite nightgown as a pattern, my husband's old t-shirt, brown lace I had on hand and hardware from old undergarments I made new sleepwear. Now that I’ve braved my first repurposed clothing item, I’m already working on my next. (Barb Dunay, Raleigh)
Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems. -Rilke (Jean Dunham, Austin)
We were so grateful for the rain and then to have this double rainbow all the way across the sky was such a happy thing for our family to share together. (Jim Janknegt, Elgin, TX)
This is the first section in a row of successive plantings of snow peas. The little plants sprout with their heads bent over but quickly straighten up and raise their arms and heads to the sun! (Jana Leigh, Bloomington, IN)
This week I'm featuring Laurel Rudd. She generously shared a post with us on Wednesday that should be enough inspiration for anyone of us -- no matter what your experience level.
Read her guest post: Take Up Something New - plant a flower garden
You can read more of Laurel's "thoughts about gardening, art, teaching, our world and life with a child with autism at her blog: Laurel's Garden
Hellebore blossom close-up. I love these flowers for their simplicity and subtle color. (Laurel Rudd, Central New York state)
Three easy steps to play along our Practice Resurrection photo story series:
1. Take up something new. (one day or fifty days doesn't matter, just one thing that's new or, maybe just unique with this season)
2. Take a picture and write a description in 36 words or less.
3. Share the photo and the 36 word or less caption with me via email or facebook message by Thursday morning each week of the series.
Who wants to join us?