Friday, October 08, 2010

7 Quick Takes: Gratitude

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 99)

— 1 —
My son got his driver's license today.  That's two down; two to go.  Funny thing, I think I was more nervous than Alex.  I made sure  not to remind him that I failed my first road test until after he had passed.

— 2 —
A wonderful friend of ours allows us to use the gym he owns for free.  I started working out again this week.  It's been too long, but I'm so glad to begin. Again.
— 3 —
Our Tuesday night Reader's Guild was fun.  Discussing the nuances of Gilead together was fun, but not as much as sitting around reading our favorite excerpts aloud.
— 4 —
After a week of rainy days, the October sunshine came out again.  The trees today were outrageous.
— 5 —
Our church had a lovely thank you reception for Brian on Sunday evening.  I was nervous that it would be awkward, but instead it was fun.   Instead of feeling teary or awkward, we enjoyed lighthearted, genuine conversations with dear people. It was fun.
— 6 —
It's October, the sun is shining and the pumpkins are fat and orange.  Tomorrow, I get to spend the day with my parents and siblings and their families at the pumpkin farm.  Then we get to go to Brian's niece's sweet 16.  It's going to be a fun weekend!
— 7 —
For the last hour or so, I've been eavesdropping on my daughters hanging out together: chatting, laughing, singing, having fun.  It does a mama's heart good.

Linking up at Conversion Diary.
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