1. In my last Monday Mix Tape, I mused on the art of hospitality.
p.s., Neighborhood Brunch: A beautiful example of hospitality in a new blog I'm visiting, Graceful.
p.p.s., Missional Is More Than Donuts: excellent caution against the hospitality of good-intentions at Everyday Liturgy.
2. Speaking of the art of hospitality, I wish I'd recommended a couple more hospitality-as-cooking books on the mix tape.
p.s., Supper of the Lamb
by Robert Farrar Capon. My review for the IAM Reader's Guild is here.
p.p.s., Tender at the Bone
by Ruth Reichl. My thoughts on this culinary memoir here.
3. In the art-of-hospitality mix tape, I included a link to the delicious idea Dinner Party Under the Golden Gate Bridge @ Oh Happy Day.
p.s., Pier Dinner Party: Oh Happy Day has more delicious art-of-hospitality ideas up her sleeve.